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Decentralization, not just separation of powers, is a key for individual liberty to thrive.. Letâs instead move past the federal hill and blaze our own trail, securing for ourselves the blessings of Liberty no matter what foolishness Washington decides for itself.
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I know that in corporate law, if a contract is changed by one party, the other party to that agreement has a reasonable amount of time during which they may legally refuse to continue the agreement, and it becomes null and void.. Both of them have advantages and disadvantages, though the disadvantages outlined above do not apply to an Article V Convention.. Nail in the coffinBesides secession, an Article V Convention is the only âlegalâ (whatever that means anymore) means to fix the problem.
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Citizens United was one of the chief issues that informed his failed 2016 presidential campaign, along with a litany of other progressive wants from the liberal social-manipulation wish-list, such as securing government funding for Planned Parenthood and the absolute right to abortion, cutting funds to adoption agencies that favor heterosexual couples (like the Catholic charities), creating hate crime protections for self-described trans-gendered individuals, etc.. If youâd like to read the Texian Partisan previous article regarding the COS, click here. My Commander For Mac Os
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Make no mistake, those favoring the later will also have their say at the COS So, letâs stop playing the role of Sisyphus, rolling the rock of constitutional reform up-hill just to have it slip our grasp at the summit, over, and over, and over again.. What would prevent Texas from withdrawing from an altered agreement, the US Constitution, if the alterations were not in favor of Liberty?COTUS is a wonderful document.. â If a COS is convened, Lessig and his supporters would actively work to limit the First Amendment and ensconce other progressive goals during the COS process, even as Abbott would work to force D.. Helluva piece of work Texas can do better Outlawing fractional reserve banking is one of many improvements that could be used to protect property rights.. C to recognize the limits of federal governance Those that believe an Article V Convention of the States is a slam-dunk solution for fixing a deeply dysfunctional Federal Government, no doubt, have honorable goals. 518b7cbc7d Download Icloud Photos On Mac